Very few of you know that I love singing.
However, I don't sing in tune and hence, I am a pathetic singer with very little knowledge in music. Yet I have loads of respect and love for music.
My mother is a very good singer and is once again learning
Hindustani classical music from a Chennai based singer after a considerable gap of many years.
I accompanied her in the class as it was a leisure day for me
Today was her intoductory class which was more theory based and it mainly focussed on the fundamentals and history of Hindustani Classical music.
Let me share the following learnings from music which are true HR lessons-
1. Swar Sadhana: Like in any vocation, music also demands a lot of practice and dedication. Sadhana [a Hindi word] means meditation. In order to gain mastery in music, one needs to have a focus which is synonymous with meditation.
2. Steadiness in voice is more important than voice longetivity: This means that the quality of a voice is relatively more important than the duration for which he can hold his breath and strech his voice. Simillarly, it is important for any new recruit to concentrate on the 'quality' of work initially than the 'quantity' of work.
3. Get ready with your resources: The teacher instructed my mom to chant 'Om' thrice along with deep breathing. This helps to increase focus and clear the throat. Simmilarly, a new recuit should know his fundamentals well and get himself prepared for the corporate world.
4. Autonomy: Initially, Hindustani Classical had very rigid rules but with the passage of time, new ideas were implemented and it gained further popularity. Simmilarly, it's important to always evolve and search for ways to make any proffesional refreshingly effective in varied ways.
5. Know the source: It is recommended that while singing the sound extolled should originate from the belly and not the throat. In the same way, HR associates need to know how the employees are talented in their 'natural way' and then the roles must be assigned to match their natural flair for work.
6. Discipline: Last but not least, discipline is important in all persuits.