The first movie I watched with Sayantika post our marriage was 'Life of Pi'. Not the typical 'romantic' movie which one would ideally watch with their special one. Yet I cant stop romanticizing about this epic movie. Lets have a keen look at the lessons from Prof. Pi:

1. Sometimes your greatest fear can serve as the greatest purpose- Pi was lost in the middle of the ocean with the Tiger named 'Richard Parker'. Pi was scared of Tigers since childhood but his only living companion in the boat was his greatest fear 'Richard Parker'. Not only did he survive but he also made 'Richard Parker' his friend. He ensured that he put his constant effort to keep 'Richard Parker' alive.Taking care of 'Richard Parker' gave him the meaning to survive. It gave him purpose. Hence, dont let your greatest fear control you, allow yourself to control it and it will ensure you survive the biggest storms in your life.
2. Make sure you say 'Good Bye'-
times saying 'Good Bye' can be very difficult but if you indeed have to
leave your dear ones, please look back and say 'Good Bye'. Pi was
potrayed as a very strong
human but the only time we found him in tears while narrating his story
was when he spoke about how 'Richard Parker' left him alone in the
shores and never looked back.
3. Above all, keep your hopes alive-
Pi had a survival book which contained survival tips. One phrase in the
book said "Above all, keep your hopes alive". This phrase deeply
influenced him in all crisis moments. Had he lost all hopes even few
minutes before reaching the Mexican shores, he would
not have been alive to narrate his inspiring story to others.
4. Replace 'Worry' with 'Work'-
every stage of Pi's crisis moments, he did the 'right' actions in the
'right' way without wasting time. The depressing moments did not get him
an inch closer to his
purpose. Only focusing on the 'right' actions helped him to progress
5. You are not as lonely as you think-
you watch the movie, it might appear that Pi was extremely lonely in
his journey. However, at every step he received support in various
forms. Even in the worst
times, we might feel that we are treading a lonely journey, but if our
actions are righteous we would most likely receive support from
unexpected corners.
6. Make that journey from Head to Heart-
the end of Pi’s journey in the ocean, Pi and Richard Parker felt
extremely fragile and starved. This was a point where intelligence alone
would not have helped.
Inspite of Pi’s childhood fear for Tigers, he showed utmost compassion
towards Richard Parker. At the final leg of the journey, it was not only
Pi’s intelligence which kept him going, it was Pi’s compassion for
Richard Parker which helped both of them to remain
alive. Sometimes we have to make that journey from Head to Heart. You
must know when to start that journey.
7. Be Grateful-
of all the challenges, Pi never appeared to be cynical. At every step
of his journey he thanked his parents, uncle and Richard Parker. As much
as his strength
and courage, he also appears to be endearing because of his
gratefulness. Being grateful makes us happy and makes the journey tread
so far really worthwhile.
Thank someone special in a special way today.